Atlanta Jazz & Performing Arts Museum

Atlanta Jazz & Performing Arts Museum


Services Provided

Explore As you Go

Services offered 

  1. Miles Davis memorial 
  2. Charlie Parker collection 
  3. John Coltrane film collection 
  4. Billie Holiday artifact lady day 
  5. Wayman Tisdale concert hall (cap 2000)
  6. Art Gallery (featuring "Twin")
  7. Memorabilia 
  8. Exhibit overview 
  9. Jazz education programs 
  10. Music theory seminars 
  11. Recording studio (rental sections available) 
  12. Satellite radio 24hrs & Live Podcast 
  13. Jazz walk of fame 
  14. Museum Tours
  15. Museum membership 
  16. Donate to the museum 
  17. Advertising and Sales 
  18. Gift shop/ Vintage record store
  19. Employment Opportunities 
  20. Events
  21. Newsletter 
  22. Contact us
  23. Visitor info                              
The sucess of the Museum will depend on the patrons, everything is being created for their listening pleasures

The sucess of the Museum will depend on the patrons, everything is being created for their listening pleasures

Feeding the Soul

We want to incorporate all things jazz in every event we undertake!  Our Poetry and Spoken Word nights will help with the overall concept. This will add that extra dimension that will keep patrons interested from a different perspective!  This very environment will motivate individuals to step forward and share their writings or expressions around others who may like the confidence but with the help of others have the confidence to step up and share.

The programming will be a varied collection of types of nights that serve a
wide spectrum of local Atlanta and visitor contingencies.
It will also offer several workshops and jazz demonstrations 
that will continue the AJPAM mission and allow a wider audience to participate in the museums activities. 
The jazz education programs consist of gifted musician 
selected to formally train under the museums mentorship program.
The students are post high school who will enroll during 
the summer session during college break and local students will attend 
3 days a week after classes. There are also outreach programs for the students 
Where they will be able to get out in the communities to fund drive and 
raise jazz awareness among their peers and perform live concerts at 
certain occasions.
Teaching young adults who are post H.s. The Art of Jazz

Teaching young adults who are post H.s. The Art of Jazz

The New Generation

These millennials are shaking up the jazz world

These millennials are shaking up the jazz world

There is a growing fascination with the young jazz millennials of this age. They're coming from all walks in life and from around the world.  We can't be clear how they've become so intrigued by a genre of music they've been rarely exposed to. Although some may have come from backgrounds with jazz up bringings but most are not. Their approach to different type of compositions is extraordinary!  It appears this generation has discovered a way of expressing themselves in their playing abilities as well as their own style of delivery.

Live Streams

Jazz is meant to be enjoyed in a live setting!  In the beginning as I came to appreciate the art by way of records,tapes,and later CD's it wasn't until I venture my first jazz concert that I became  enthralled with the essences of a true musician up close and personal!  The artist was no other than George Benson the song Breezing!  I was hooked!  Over the years my radio experience and sound checking for some of the greats has put me in another atmosphere!  The sheer sound of artists tuning their equipment and vibing with one another is breathtaking to this process. Here are just a few live concerts by some of the veterans of the jazz world!