Atlanta Jazz & Performing Arts Museum

Atlanta Jazz & Performing Arts Museum


Museum Schedule, Calendar ,Location and Broadcasting

Monthly calendar ( Not including annual events such as festivals that
Would change this regular programming) 

Closed. facilities available for private recording and corporate meetings 

5:30 pm music appreciation classes for students 
7:30 pm jazz music seminar (membership holders only) 
8:00 pm jazz storytelling returns for the summer (weather permitting) 

5:30 pm music appreciation classes for students
7:00 pm Open recitals for new talents and 
museum music students 

5:00 pm jazz art journey is an open art station where all paintings, printing and 
Similar projects will take place.
5:30 pm music appreciation classes for students 
And every 2nd Thursday (free mix and mingle socially to meet the artist and discuss their works.

5:00 pm After work whine down  for Adults only (cheese and wine while networking) 
7:00pm Spoken word and Poetry in the courtyard
under the stars_ weather permitting) 
8:00 pm Private performance's for local artist 

11:30 am Jazz film brunch 
A light brunch with vintage films and a jazz trio
6:00 pm On the 2nd Saturday The LGBTQ community have an open dialog on the arts 
7:00pm. On the 3rd Saturday of each month, the jazz concert series is held in the (Wayman Tisdale Hall) Major artist and their Labels/ VIP Boxes available RSVP.

11:30 am Smooth jazz Sunday brunch for membership holders only 
Special sale prices for members on art, music and other merchandising 

Free concert series tickets will be issued to the first 25 patrons visiting the museum, discount tickets for members available

6:00 pm Last Saturday a month a listening party will be held in honor of recording artist and their team to network 
With other artists in the industry (last Saturdays)

The city of Atlanta was chosen because of it's rich African American culture as well as the tremendous growth in diversity. Jazz is the first art created in this country.  It has also paved the way for all other genre's of music. It's very essence must contuine being nurtured in the right environment. Atlanta has a strong reputation for its support on jazz. The local jazz radio stations has been around for years and its support for the genre is legendary. The annual jazz festival is held each year at Piedmont Park is a summer tradition. Over the years they've includes  their free jazz concert format in the centennial park held once a month during spring and summer. The entire city is accessible by the bus and rail system.

Atlanta Ga.

Atlanta Ga.

Internet radio & Podcast Broadcasting

Internet radio & Podcast Broadcasting

This area of the project is most dear to me 
 if the vision is to reach it's maximum potential. 
In order to reach the masses of the world on 
the subject of jazz and it's many intretrial parts 
internet media is key. We want jazz lovers or casual 
listeners around the world to tune in and enjoy 
the genre like never before. The podcast will give 
the listeners a chance to hear candidly from jazz artist around 
the world. This will also allow them to get day by day 
details of upcoming events as well as the daily 
events of the museums activities. We want to 
leave no stone unturned as to jazz and the direction we plan to 
take the genre. We want our patrons to feel they have 
access to this area of music year round in person 
or over the airwaves!
AJPAM won't stop around the clock jazz

AJPAM won't stop around the clock jazz

The Atlanta Southern Cultural Jazz Festival

The Atlanta Southern Cultural Jazz Festival

AJPAM presents the jazz festival of festivals! 
The Atlanta Southern Cultural Jazz Festival
After years of presenting jazz in creative ways this not for profit organization is finally building a new home where jazz will be up front and personal on a regular basis 
The museum will not only be a cultural institution for the community, but a home to one of the most important jazz festivals 
on the international circuit as well as a supplementary venue for many of the existing ones. This international jazz festival will be held in Atlanta and will be the largest project of AJPAM.A collaboration with serval international partners as the development of the museum prepares to open.We plan to debut 2 years after the grand opening. The concept of the festival is to bring all the international jazz artist together for this inaugural event in jazz history and also feature up and coming new artist.

AJPAM Marketing and Advertising Dept

AJPAM Marketing and Advertising Dept

If the Museum is to have a universe appeal then marketing and advertising 
will be paramount to this endeavor. The two 
departments have one goal, make AJPAM 
accessible to the world. Our entire campaign 
will be to reach the jazz ordinance here and 
abroad. This area of the museum will be 
responsible for making sure potential patrons 
be aware that jazz and art go hand and hand. 
The departments will spearhead fund drives and 
fundraisings events year round and make sure 
regular donor contributors are a vital part to 
our futures growth.
Jazz Siminars

Jazz Siminars

Our patrons will be able to learn the history on jazz visibly 
by way of short films of artist of yesterday. 
Vintage black and white films are rare so when 
viewed today it gives a greater perspective on the work ethic artist displayed. The films also depict how collaboration of artist of all walks of life 
came together in a time when the country was racially divived. These early 
films are great learning tools for young artist who expire to 
be great one day in their own right.
The new jazz central:  Destination Atlanta

The new jazz central: Destination Atlanta

Why Jazz Is The Most Stimulating Genre of Music, According To Science

Posted by Kendall Deflin on Sunday June 12th, 2016
The brain is a highly organized and complex organ that functions as the coordinating center of all sensation, intellectual and nervous activity. Each area of the brain directly corresponds to a very specific function (emotions, movement, visual processing, memory, etc.), and can be stimulated in various scenarios based upon these trigger activities. This is why people use music to navigate their existing mood, activity, or energy level.

Just as you should dress for the job you want to have, you should listen to the mindset that you seek. If it is a creatively-driven, focused mentality that you are after, then Dr. William Klemm, of Psychology Today, says you should listen to jazz music, as it comes with a multitude of different cognitive benefits that enrich your mind.

Scientists Have Discovered The Area Of The Brain That Responds To Music

For one, jazz relieves stress. Music has a direct effect on our hormones, which is why the typical music enthusiast relies on music to lead the motions of their day. With the heart synced to the rhythms pulsating through our ear drums, it is no wonder we become sad when listening to slower, more depressing songs; or the opposite, as we become overjoyed by feelings of excitement and energy when listening to more upbeat, positively stimulating songs. This is because our hearts and our brains are intrinsically connected.

Klemm adds that stress is the “arch-enemy of memory ability,” and so to reduce stress levels while engaging in highly concentrated activities, like studying, is extremely powerful to the end result. Therefore, subjects are much more likely to retain the information in the environment of jazz’s soothing agents.

How Music Can Be Used To Influence Different Mood Goals

Secondly, jazz stimulates the mind. As your brain receives messages from the environment, it releases chemicals to react accordingly. Following the influence of jazz, your brain tends to mimic the rhythmically improvisational patterns, which might pop and jerk at times in acute measures. The activity in the music therefore influences increased hyperactive neural stimulation.

It is the back-and-forth playing, the communication of instruments, that activates areas of the brain correlated with the syntax of language. Music is of course the universal language, but even your brain picks up on what jazz is putting down.

Why Some People Get ‘Skin-Gasms’ While Listening To Music

Furthermore, jazz boosts creativity. With decreased stress levels and increased patterns of language, the brain is more susceptible to using its imagination to complete logical thought processing. According to researcher Beth Belle Cooper, ambient noise improves creativity; she continues to say that the type of music, and the volume at which you listen to it, is also critical to improving creativity. She states, “moderate noise levels increase processing difficulty, which promotes abstract processing, leading to higher creativity.” So, by forcing our brains to work a little harder than normal, we can lead our minds to think even more outside the box. This expanded attention welcomes creativity beyond normal standards.

So the next time you desire concentration, focus, and acuity, you might benefit from the improvisationally-driven, directionally-unexpected, soothing elements of jazz music.

A jam session is a relatively informal musical event, process, or activity where musicians, typically instrumentalists, play improvised solos and vamp on tunes, songs and chord progressions. To "jam" is to improvise music without extensive preparation or predefined arrangements, except for when the group is playing well-known jazz standards or covers of existing popular songs. Original jam sessions, also 'free flow sessions', are often used by musicians to develop new material (music) and find suitable arrangements. Both styles can be used simply as a social gathering and communal practice session. Jam sessions may be based upon existing songs or forms, may be loosely based on an agreed chord progression or chart suggested by one participant, or may be wholly improvisational. Jam sessions can range from very loose gatherings of amateurs to evenings where a jam session coordinator or host acts as a "gatekeeper" to ensure that only appropriate-level performers take the stage, to sophisticated improvised recording sessions by professionals which are intended to be broadcast live on radio or TV or edited and released to the public.

Jazz rap is a fusion subgenre of hip hop music and jazz, developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s. AllMusic writes that the genre "was an attempt to fuse African-American music of the past with a newly dominant form of the present, paying tribute to and reinvigorating the former while expanding the horizons of the latter".[1] Musically, the rhythms have been typically those of hip hop rather than jazz, over which are placed repetitive phrases of jazz instrumentation: trumpet, double bass, etc. Lyrics are often based on political consciousness, Afrocentrism, and general positivism.[2] A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Dream Warriors, and Digable Planets are pioneers of the jazz rap genre.

Jazz has influenced other genres mainly hip hop

Jazz has influenced other genres mainly hip hop